With the emergence of New Space, the Space industry is expanding every year, and the Space travel business is starting to take off, especially in the United States, which could become a huge market in the future.

The Japan SPACEPORT Association, along with Dentsuo, Canaria and Noiz, has announced SPACEPORT CITY, a new type of transport hub for the future, dedicated to space travel.This future transportation hub will not only be dedicated to activating traditional transportation with commercial shuttle operations, but will also serve as a research center for the discovery and understanding of space.
It links traditional modes of transport to the operation of commercial space shuttles, and gives all space-related functions, from space fashion shows to international conferences, most space-related activities, research and commercial activities will take place on its premises.The massive complex is located in a city-sized solar disk, visible from space.

The structure suspended above water is conceived as a series of spherical blocks containing different functions.Each function is enclosed in a separate sphere, and large roofs covered with kinetic solar panels “hover” over the buildings.Inside, the ground floor is dedicated to technical space, crate handling, back office and railway station and other transportation Spaces in the basement.

The whole building is composed of intelligent transportation within a small ecological system, including automatic driving, automatic drive trains, and electric scooters, intelligent transportation, not only can find employees and visitors, and buildings can be found in any items and objects, and fast delivery to any place in the complex.A bizarre roof with powered solar panels creates a undulating landscape above the building that can create patios, open gardens, and even farmland of all sizes.

The organic buildings in the urban scale disc directly impact your vision, and the families and support teams of space travelers will be able to watch, sail or land from lounges on the upper floors of each pier.